I never thought that
April will get this critical. I never thought that it will be this difficult.
Or maybe it is I who is making everything difficult. The worrier inside me
wants to get out again and say "The road ahead is not that easy."
I have my dreams, my passion and my desire of achieving great things. I am done with proving myself to be somebody; I left that mindset in my high school days. Right now, I am aiming to fulfill that purpose, to do what my heart really yearns to do. In this case, I know I have to follow my heart. Follow my heart, and yet guided by wisdom.
I have my dreams, my passion and my desire of achieving great things. I am done with proving myself to be somebody; I left that mindset in my high school days. Right now, I am aiming to fulfill that purpose, to do what my heart really yearns to do. In this case, I know I have to follow my heart. Follow my heart, and yet guided by wisdom.
I see a divergence
ahead. Before approaching that divergence, I have already decided to take the
other road -- The less traveled road. But there is this fear growing inside. I
have all the opportunities, with some threats interspersed along the way. All I
need is to have some guts to step ahead and overcome my fear.
give me the courage and make me feel secure of my future.